Follow the Mome Raths

Thoughts of a Canadian University Student

Saturday, November 06, 2004

This is craziness. I haven't been healthy since Thanksgiving. I got a cold right after Thanksgiving, that turned into bronchitis, and is now strep or some other strange disease that is swelling up my throat like crazy and making it look like it has gangrene. I still have a stupid essay to write, the last one for Structure, 2500 words on closed loop strained markers.

On an unrelated note, does anyone think Hugh Grant is looking a little rough in the new Bridget Jones movie?
Karlie@1:48 p.m.



George and Ira Gershwin

JS Bach


Pyotr Illyich Tchaikovsky

Antonio Vivaldi


Charlotte Church


Andrew Lloyd Webber


The DaVinci Code

Harry Potter

The Lord of the Rings

The Princess Diaries

The Bonesetter's Daughter


Calvin and Hobbes

His Dark Materials

Invitation to the Game

Guests of War Trilogy