Follow the Mome Raths

Thoughts of a Canadian University Student

Thursday, June 10, 2004

Still sore...still bored...still at home alone...time to start my very own LOTR marathon. After a shower and some lunch.

Speaking of LOTR, Angela and I are having a farewell/birthday party before I leave for Ontario, anyone who can make it down from Edmonton or up from the south or really from wherever can come (so long as I know you...I don't think many people read this who I DON'T know, but sorry, you can't come ;) We're going to be extremely geeky and make it a hobbit party, seeing as my birthday is only 8 days before Bilbo and Frodo's. And yes, I SHALL give out presents as is tradition for hobbits, but I would not be amiss to having some brought for me too. Once we have details I shall let you all know. I hope you can come!
Karlie@1:13 p.m.



George and Ira Gershwin

JS Bach


Pyotr Illyich Tchaikovsky

Antonio Vivaldi


Charlotte Church


Andrew Lloyd Webber


The DaVinci Code

Harry Potter

The Lord of the Rings

The Princess Diaries

The Bonesetter's Daughter


Calvin and Hobbes

His Dark Materials

Invitation to the Game

Guests of War Trilogy