Follow the Mome Raths

Thoughts of a Canadian University Student

Tuesday, October 07, 2003

Here's a poem I wrote this summer but couldn't post on my website (because my ftp program is on THIS computer):

Hiding in a dark corner of my mind
the dark thoughts
play raquetball

bouncing ideas
off my skull, off my nose

"would she really? do you think?"

the sharp sound - reverbrates
hurts my head

the sharp thoughts - resonate
hurt my heart

then in a darkened room
a cool bed
soft pillows

they reluctantly retreat

lurking in the shadows

I had either a migraine or a sinus headache at the time I wrote this. FYI, did you know that you can get a migraine from a sinus headache? Weird...
Karlie@8:09 p.m.



George and Ira Gershwin

JS Bach


Pyotr Illyich Tchaikovsky

Antonio Vivaldi


Charlotte Church


Andrew Lloyd Webber


The DaVinci Code

Harry Potter

The Lord of the Rings

The Princess Diaries

The Bonesetter's Daughter


Calvin and Hobbes

His Dark Materials

Invitation to the Game

Guests of War Trilogy